1001+ The Most Offensive Sex Jokes – In The World!

Nick walks into a pub and there is an English man at the bar. He asks Nick, “Why are the Irish always lazy and drunk?” Nick replies, “How did you know I live above the pub?”

1001+ Clean-ish British And Irish Themed Jokes

Nick walks into a pub and there is an English man at the bar. He asks Nick, “Why are the Irish always lazy and drunk?” Nick replies, “How did you know I live above the pub?”

Laugh Out Loud!

Why do suirrels enjoy sunbathing? They love dry roasted nuts!


SEPTEMBER 2021 Subscribe to get access Read more of this content when you subscribe today for only £5 a year. When a new post is published you will be one of the first to receive a monthly newsletter of top quality premium jokes, sent direct to your Inbox. Click on SUBSCRIBE. Log in Subscriber Content … Continue reading THE TOP TEN JOKES OF SEX

More Sweet Xmas Pea

What does a divorce in Ireland usually involve? Drink!


SEPTEMBER 2021 Subscribe to get access Read more of this content when you subscribe today for only £5 a year. When a new post is published you will be one of the first to receive a monthly newsletter of top quality premium jokes, sent direct to your Inbox. Click on SUBSCRIBE. Log in Subscriber Content … Continue reading THE TOP TEN JOKES OF SEX

501+ New British And Irish Jokes

Nick walks into a pub and there is an English man at the bar. He asks Nick, “Why are the Irish always lazy and drunk?” Nick replies, “How did you know I live above the pub?”

301+ New Pub Jokes Daily

"He drowned in a 50 foot deep Guinness Vat." Pat said, "But Michael was the strongest swimmer in Dublin." "I know", said Nick, "But he decided to have a drink before he died."

The Big Cock-Ups!

Why do squirrels enjoy sunbathing? They love roasted nuts. Why is Pete a bloody, awkward sod in Ireland? Because he's a bent sod who gets stuck up your bloody arse. The Chinese have adopted a Monarch and he is called the Wan King. He comes in the night like the Secret Police. What do British … Continue reading The Big Cock-Ups!

More Sweet Xmas Pea

What does a divorce in Ireland usually involve? Drink!